Longacre Tire Durometer & Tread Depth Gauge


Longacre Durometer AND Tread Depth Gauge with silver foam lined carrying case
SKU: LONG50556 Category: Tag: Brand:


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Longacre Tire Durometer AND Tread Depth Gauge with silver foam lined carrying case.

The Longacre Tire Durometer is more accurate then ever before, and allows you to keep track of exactly where your tires are. Be precise, don’t guess. The Tread Depth Gauge is super accurate, easy to read, and easy to use.

Technical Information

Part Number: LONG50556
Manufacturer: Longacre

• Racing Tire Hardness Tester
• Reads from 0-100 points

Tread Depth Gauge: 
• Super accurate, easy to read, easy to use.
• Calibrated in 1/32″
• Accurate to 1/128″ (less than .010″)