APEX Pro Track Coach – GEN II


APEX Pro uses inertial measurements and GPS to model your driving ability, your car, and the track you are on in real time.

Available on backorder

SKU: APEX PRO G2 Category: Tags: , Brand:


The new 2nd Generation APEX Pro Track Coach Device implements all of the knowledge they acquired designing, manufacturing, and selling the original APEX Pro device and gives you an even more powerful tool. APEX Pro is known for helping you find your limit on track, and learn to correlate your control inputs (steering, gas, and brake) with getting the tire to the limit.

From Track Days and Road Racing to Auto-cross and Hill-Climb, APEX Pro Gen II enables you to improve lap times while on track and simplifies post-session data review with the most intuitive data review software available.

APEX Pro is a tool for competitive drivers. From Track Days and Road Racing to Auto-cross and Hill-Climb, it is a tool that helps improve lap times while on track and simplifies post-session data review with the most intuitive software interface available.

Easily pairs using Bluetooth with your Apple (iOS Smartphone) to automatically save data to the APEX App. It provides accurate lap-times at over 200 official tracks around the world, and even allows for custom track creation. While on track, precisely filtered data is logged at 10 Hz and sent to the phone. APEX has a suite of tools allowing drivers to review and replay data overlaid on track maps or plotted in many ways. To compare laps with other drivers, simply email or AirDrop recorded sessions to fellow drivers or driving instructors. Drivers can instantly overlay and compare sessions from the same track. While you are out on the track, friends and crew members can watch your driving and lap-times (and with Gen II, Telemetry!) from anywhere in the world using the CrewView social platform (iOS).

Red lights on the display indicate un-used potential. In motorsport terms, the tires are not at their limit. This limit is calculated by taking in thousands of sensor measurements a second from the internal GPS and accelerometers (9 Axis IMU). These raw sensor measurements are then filtered through the APEX algorithm derived from years of testing at all levels of motorsport. This process on takes a lap or two of driving at pace, and from these measurements APEX determines the car’s road holding ability (based on your driving, not a theoretical limit). That is how APEX helps you find YOUR limit. The peak measurements are compared with the other measurements to determine if those peak measurements seen in one area of the track are achievable elsewhere. Put another way you may be faster in one section of the track than another, and that is how APEX Learns where the available grip is. Red Lights represent the limit determined by the APEX algorithm, Green Lights are how close you are from that limit. For more information, check out the APEX Pro Startup Guide linked below!

Apex Pro Gen II Features:

  • Smoother more precise data (Satellite map and Data graphs)
  • Easier interpretation of APEX Coaching model (100% APEX Score is possible!
  • Predictive Timing display option on the APEX LED’s
  • Battery indicator light on the unit (Green = fully charged)
  • Lower profile design
  • Increased battery life (6+ hours)
    • Charging indication: Red LED by charging port = unit charging. Green LED by charging port = Unit is done charging.
  • USB-C charging cable
  • New APEX App User Interface for easier use
  • Telemetry: Live Streaming of Speed, Long G, Lat G data traces

How do these New features benefit you?

  • Easier to interpret Real Time Display model (no more red lights on the straights if you get a good exit!)
    • Predictive on LED’s makes it super simple to see if you are trending faster or slower than your best lap so far!
  • Lower profile means it takes up even less space on the dash so your vision is not obstructed!
  • You now know if your unit is being charged when you plug it in, and you know it’s fully charged!
  • Telemetry is perfect for track side instruction and endurance racing!

Take advantage of everything APEX Pro has to offer!

  • All APEX Units have a 12 month hardware warranty. Send the unit back to Apex Pro within a year of purchasing for a free repair if you experience issues.
  • Extend your warranty buy purchasing an Annual Lap Timer Plus membership! Your warranty is extended for as long as you subscribe!
  • Download the Free APEX Pro app on the Apple App Store!
  • Your purchase comes with a free 30 day trial of the Lap Timer Plus membership.
  • Lap Timer Plus includes discounts on APEX Pro products, online courses, and webinars, in addition to unlocking additional features in the app!
  • Visit the FAQ section to learn more about APEX Pro. Also, view the Mounting Guide.
  • Do you AutoCross? Check out the Custom Track Feature Guide!
  • Apex Pro YouTube Page houses hours of helpful data review content. Subscribe to get notified when new videos are posted!
  • APEX Pro is more than a product, it is a community of users. Click here to join the APEX Pro user’s group on Facebook!

Included with your purchase:

  • APEX Pro Gen II Unit
  • 6″ Charging Cable (Micro USB-C)
  • Magnetic Baseplate with 3M Dashboard Adhesive
  • Alcohol cleaning pad

And don’t forget your Suction cup or Smartphone mount!! (sold separately)

About Apex Pro – in 60 seconds:

Technical Information

Part Number: APEX Pro G2
Manufacturer: Apex Pro

• Microcontroller: Computer w/ integrated BLE app communication
• 9-Axis IMU: Accelerometer + Gyroscope + Magnetometer
• Pro-Grade GPS: 0.01 m/s speed + 50 ns time accuracy & 10Hz update
• Includes baseplate and charging cable.